The BROAD Group, represented in north America by BROAD U.S.A., is the inventor and sole supplier of B-CORE, an innovative stainless steel structural material that is far lighter yet far stronger than traditional construction materials. B-CORE is used in the BROAD “Holon Building,” which is a turnkey structure completely finished and ready to move in after stacking. The Holon Building is 100% factory-made, and is 5 x more energy efficient and 20-50% lower cost than a conventional building. The Holon Building offers the modular construction industry distinct features: • An unlimited service life: B-CORE is over 30 times more resistant to corrosion than carbon steel • No concrete: The Holon Building is built using B-CORE stainless steel material, with no concrete above the foundation • B-CORE is environmentally friendly, avoiding the heavy carbon emissions from concrete production • Flexible modularity: The building height, floor plan and room layout can be changed any time after construction is completed • Shortest possible construction cycle: The Holon Building can be stacked at 3 floors/day. • 100% factory made: Migrating 100% of the building's manufacture to our high capacity and highly automated factory enables us to achieve the greatest savings in cost and project cycle